Jennie Olive Garst, 18861979 (aged 92 years)

Jennie Olive /Garst/
Given names
Jennie Olive
Married name
Jennie Olive /Carter/
Birth October 6, 1886 26 21
Birth of a sisterGrace Alma Gharst
October 6, 1888 (aged 2 years)
Birth of a brotherIvan Cloy Gharst
September 1, 1890 (aged 3 years)
Birth of a brotherHerbert William Gharst
September 19, 1892 (aged 5 years)
Birth of a sisterSusan Mary Gharst
April 12, 1895 (aged 8 years)
Birth of a brotherCharles Francis Gharst
July 2, 1897 (aged 10 years)
Birth of a brotherAlbert Raymond Garst
September 27, 1899 (aged 12 years)
Birth of a brotherJohn Arthur Garst
January 9, 1902 (aged 15 years)
Birth of a sisterMaude Laura Gharst
June 8, 1904 (aged 17 years)
Birth of a brotherLawrence Everett Gharst
September 12, 1906 (aged 19 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherWilliam J. Gharst
July 15, 1913 (aged 26 years)
MarriageOmer Myrle CarterView this family
September 6, 1916 (aged 29 years)
Death of a brotherAlbert Raymond Garst
November 25, 1918 (aged 32 years)

Death of a brotherJohn Arthur Garst
May 28, 1919 (aged 32 years)

Death of a fatherAlbert Gharst
July 12, 1934 (aged 47 years)
Death of a motherLaura Effie Kincaid
September 2, 1944 (aged 57 years)
Death of a sisterGrace Alma Gharst
June 4, 1956 (aged 69 years)

Death of a brotherRoy Andrew Gharst
March 12, 1959 (aged 72 years)
Death of a brotherIvan Cloy Gharst
November 26, 1961 (aged 75 years)
Death of a husbandOmer Myrle Carter
April 22, 1964 (aged 77 years)

Death of a brotherCharles Francis Gharst
November 8, 1967 (aged 81 years)
Death of a brotherHerbert William Gharst
March 26, 1970 (aged 83 years)
Death of a brotherLawrence Everett Gharst
May 28, 1971 (aged 84 years)
Burial of a fatherAlbert Gharst

Burial of a motherLaura Effie Kincaid

Death August 25, 1979 (aged 92 years)

MHN in relation to Theobald Gerst b. 1702:
2000 (20 years after death)

Family with parents
Birth: July 22, 1860 29 23Clay County, IL
Death: July 12, 1934Winterrowd, Clay Co., IN
Birth: March 7, 1865Illinois
Death: September 2, 1944Youngstown, Vigo Co., In (Ivan Gharst Home)
Marriage MarriageJuly 23, 1882
3 years
elder brother
Birth: July 29, 1885 25 20So. Muddy Twp. Jasper Co., Il
Death: March 12, 1959Olney, Richland Co., Il
14 months
Birth: October 6, 1886 26 21So. Muddy Twp. Jasper Co., Il
Death: August 25, 1979
2 years
younger sister
Birth: October 6, 1888 28 23So. Muddy Twp. Jasper Co., Il
Death: June 4, 1956
23 months
younger brother
Birth: September 1, 1890 30 25So. Muddy Twp. Jasper Co., Il
Death: November 26, 1961Terre Haute, Vigo Co., In
2 years
younger brother
Birth: September 19, 1892 32 27So. Muddy Twp. Jasper Co., Il
Death: March 26, 1970Effingham, Il
3 years
younger sister
Birth: April 12, 1895 34 30So. Muddy Twp. Jasper Co., Il
Death: December 18, 1979
2 years
younger brother
Birth: July 2, 1897 36 32So. Muddy Twp. Jasper Co., Il
Death: November 8, 1967Terre Haute, Vigo Co., In
2 years
younger brother
Birth: September 27, 1899 39 34So. Muddy Twp. Jasper Co., Il
Death: November 25, 1918
2 years
younger brother
Birth: January 9, 1902 41 36So. Muddy Twp. Jasper Co., Il
Death: May 28, 1919
2 years
younger sister
Birth: June 8, 1904 43 39Winterrowd, Clay Co., IL
2 years
younger brother
Birth: September 12, 1906 46 41Winterrowd, Clay Co., IL
Death: May 28, 1971Effingham, Il
Family with Omer Myrle Carter
Birth: March 14, 1892
Death: April 22, 1964
Birth: October 6, 1886 26 21So. Muddy Twp. Jasper Co., Il
Death: August 25, 1979
Marriage MarriageSeptember 6, 1916Red Cloud, Ne

FATHER: 111732; MOTHER: 111732s